GiNiEX Conference Room

Meetings can be difficult to manage and organise at the best of times, not only can there be technical issues but you also have to get everyone in the same room at one time! GiNiEX Conference Room is an out of the box conference solution that helps alleviate these problems.

Make a Meeting A Conference

GiNiEX Conference Room extends the capabilities of the GiNiEX Meet Solution to allow you take a your meetings to any room with a flat screen monitor. If you're ready to schedule a meeting or or join a meeting room all you have to do is click a button.


Key Benefits for your Company

  • Turns any room with a flat screen into a video conferencing room
  • Simple and intuitive for everyone to use
  • Anybody can join, even outside of your company
  • Installation is quick and straight forward
  • Removes strain, cost and complexity of supporting video conferencing solutions
Meetings made Easier

Effortless Collaboration

Easy Scheduling

Integrate your calendars with Conference room to make booking easily.

One Click Joining

Join conferences and meetings with the click of a button.

Join Remotely

Working remotely or not at you're desk? Join from anywhere using the GiNiEX Communicator

Invite Guests

Need a client or collaborator to join your meeting? Simply send them a link and they can join in, no software required!

Need to join Ad-Hoc?

Need to join a meeting urgently it's easy to get involved with the Conference Room. Simply find the person hosting the meeting and click their name to join.

Bridge The Gap

Join a 3rd party conference even if it's been hosted in a different software.

online conference

Get In Touch

Are you interested in using our services? Get in touch today and speak to one of our advisors to personalise a package to suit your needs.

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